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14 results for "Fake notes"

How can I detect fake notes being used in my store?
Detection Pen Mark the note with the pen – if the ink remains clear or light yellow, the note is likely genuine. If the
Sayu Sayu 0 comments
How do I prevent fraudulent transactions being made in my store?
handling procedures. Also, train them to identify counterfeit notes if your store deals with cash transactions. By implementing
Sayu Sayu 0 comments
How do I place an order for gift cards?
Enter the quantity of gift cards you would like. Please note: to place a gift card order, the minimum quantity for each
Sayu Sayu 0 comments
I noticed discrepancies in my sales reports. What should I do?
transactions are correctly recorded and categorized. Please Note: If you haven't already completed these steps, please do
Sayu Sayu 0 comments
How do I get notified when my inventory is low?
quantity, such as 10 items remaining. It's important to note that you can always adjust this alert quantity based on your
Sayu Sayu 0 comments
Can I have a log of my inventory changes?
reporting page, select the “Product Inventory” tab. Please note: if you have multiple store locations, please use the location
Sayu Sayu 0 comments
What is the community?
other response that's part of a typical community discussion. Note : Don't confuse topics with articles. In the community, topics
Sayu Sayu 0 comments
My printer isn’t working. What should I do?
designate the selected printer as your preferred choice. Please note: If a printer is already set as the preferred printer, this
Sayu Sayu 0 comments
Why can’t I log in with my username?
team will assist you with recovering your account. Please note: During the recovery process, you'll be asked security questions
Sayu Sayu 0 comments
How can I access the Sales Summary for a particular month or date?
end date you wish to view your sales summary from. Please note: If you have multiple store locations, select the location
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